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2022-10-29 10:55:12

Speed comparison results

These are the latest speed comparison results of various programming languages.


Raw results

name version median min max accuracy
C++ (avx2) 11.2.1 80.54 80.5 80.55 8.4969
C++ (clang++) 13.0.1 80.61 80.58 81.24 8.4972
C (gcc) 11.2.1 80.65 80.63 80.69 8.4968
C (clang) 13.0.1 80.66 80.64 80.92 8.4972
C++ (g++) 11.2.1 80.67 80.66 80.69 8.4968
Julia (AOT compiled) 1.8.2 80.96 80.94 81.02 8.4971
Fortran 90 12.1.0 81.53 81.43 82.04 8.4972
Zig 0.9.1 161.11 160.95 161.19 8.4972
Nim 1.6.6 161.11 161.1 161.41 8.4971
Go 1.19.1 162.1 162.05 163.02 8.4972
D (GDC) 11.2.1 162.2 162.13 162.62 8.4972
Rust 1.60.0 164.34 164.3 164.38 8.5396
Swift 5.7 166.0 165.94 166.15 8.4971
LuaJIT 2.1.0 169.76 169.76 170.22 8.4971
Common Lisp (SBCL) 2.2.5 171.39 170.73 172.2 8.4972
Crystal 1.6.1 194.62 194.49 194.91 8.4971
Java 19.36 211.39 210.69 213.29 8.4972
C# 7.0.100 233.07 232.13 233.4 8.4972
Julia (ux4) 1.8.2 343.64 341.36 351.58 7.7981
Julia 1.8.2 346.83 344.39 350.88 8.4971
Javascript (nodejs) 18.9.1 424.1 421.34 425.29 8.4972
Python (PyPy) 3.9.12 643.57 642.71 644.37 8.4972
R 4.2.0 696.78 672.53 709.25 8.4971
Lua 5.4.4 1855.6 1854.87 1855.79 8.4971
Clojure 2080.26 1978.12 3100.95 8.4972
Elixir 1.13.4 2659.23 2648.8 2664.74 8.4326
PHP 8.1.12 2661.98 2656.83 2662.08 8.4972
Python (CPython) 3.11.0 5217.69 5202.14 5248.76 8.4972
Ruby 3.1.2 12214.63 12186.11 12291.89 8.4971
Perl 5.34.1 12334.18 12241.2 12416.98 8.4971
Clojure (Babashka) 1.0.164 34422.34 34417.87 34548.12 8.4972